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Old Stuff
Why Antiques Roadshow is PBS's highest-rated prime-time program.
The Revelation Will Be Televised
Apocalypse!, tonight's episode of PBS's Frontline, gets better after its biblical criticism
Secrets of Islam's Success
It spread faster than any other religion in history. Here are some reasons why.
Open Debate in the Openness Debate
It's been centuries since Luther nailed his theses to a church door, but the Internet is reintroducing theological debate to the public square.
Alternative Religions
Many non- and semi-Christian groups laid claim to the West, but none more successfully than the Mormons.
The Other Holy Day
In the rush toward Good Friday and Easter, don't forget Maundy Thursday
No Humbug
A Christmas Carol remains the quintessential holiday story, but why?
The Communion Test
How a Humble Inquiry into the nature of the church cost Jonathan Edwards his job.
Festival of Fears
What's scarier than Halloween? The anxieties that drive it.
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